
In the good ole days kids could have some freedom.   At 48, I still remember when I was a kid. I remember walking down to the local 7-11 to grab a snack, it was all good. I was allowed to ride my bike a couple of miles to K-Mart. No one was worried about me doing that. All of the neighborhood kids did it. My mom was more concerned that I would be struck by a car than to be abducted. Now, I am concerned about my 7 year old granddaughter walking a block to her friend's house to visit. Something happened on this world, and I am not sure exactly when it happened, but it did, right under my nose. In my zip code, there are 36 convicted and registered sex offenders, a large percentage of them were convicted of molestation charges on our children. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children offers this advice to parents/guardians of children:  

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

DNA is a key element of what families should have on hand for their children’s identification. Like fingerprints and dentition, DNA will not help find a missing child but is used to identify someone. DNA has become the “gold standard” for all identification matters.

NCMEC strongly encourages parents and guardians to take a DNA sample of their children as a precautionary measure in case their children become missing. No one should store DNA except parents and guardians.

Read more of their tips here:
Florida DNA Services Offers A Child Safety ID Kit with 2 options.

Forensic Child DNA ID Kit     $100
Includes: DNA collection & storage materials  
Fingerprint ink strip                                                                                                                Child identification card
Contact card for your emergency phone numbers
Dental chart filled out by yourself or child’s dentist
Chart to detail descriptive identification marks
List of tips to help keep your child safe (does not include testing/results)    

Child Safety Identification Kit    $299                                                                  

Take child safety one step further, through DNA profiling of your child. This kit includes dna testing results, as well as a CSI Certificate for safekeeping.

With a DNA profile you have The Ultimate Protection for the 21st Century Family.

  • Better than a Birth Certificate        
  • More Accurate than a Fingerprint
  • Lasts a Lifetime and Beyond
  • The International Standard
  • Confidential, Painless, Affordable